Erik Roskes, MD
General and Forensic Psychiatry

Selected Publications:
Janofsky JS, Dunn MH, Roskes EJ, Briskin JK, Rudolph ML: Insanity Defense Pleas in Baltimore City: An Analysis of Outcome. American Journal of Psychiatry 153(11):1464-1467, 1996.
Roskes E, Feldman R, Arrington S, Leisher M: A Model Program for the Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders in the Community. Community Mental Health Journal 35:461-472, 1999.
Roskes E, Feldman R: A Collaborative Community Based Treatment Program for Mentally Ill Offenders. Psychiatric Services 50(12):1614-1619, 1999.
Roskes E, Feldman R: Treater or Monitor? Collaboration Between Mental Health Providers and Probation Officers. Correctional Mental Health Report 1(5):69-70, Jan/Feb 2000.
Roskes E, Craig R, Strangman A: A Prerelease Program for Mentally Ill Inmates. Psychiatric Services 52(1):108, 2001.
Slate R, Roskes E, Feldman R, Baerga M: Doing Justice for Mental Illness and Society: Federal Probation and Pretrial Services Officers as Mental Health Specialists. Federal Probation December 2003:13-19.
Roskes E: “Correctional Psychiatry” In Psychiatry (2nd Edition), Edited by A. Tasman, J. Kay, J. Lieberman. London: Wiley, 2003.
Slate RN, Feldman R, Roskes E, Baerga M: Training Federal Probation Officers as Mental Health Specialists. Federal Probation December 2004: 9-15.
Roskes E, Cooksey C, Feldman R, Lipford S, Tambree J: “Management of Offenders with Mental Illness in Outpatient Settings.” In Clinical Handbook of Correctional Psychiatry, Edited by C. Scott and J. Gerbasi. Washington: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 2005.
Roskes E, Osher F: “Jails and Prisons.” In The American Association of Community Psychiatrists’ Clinical Guide to the Mentally Ill, Homeless Person, Edited by P. M. Gillig and H. L. McQuistion. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 2006.
Roskes E: “Correctional Psychiatry” In Psychiatry (3rd Edition), Edited by A. Tasman, J. Kay, J. Lieberman, M First, M Maj. London: Wiley, 2008.
Dlugacz H, Roskes E: “Clinically Oriented Reentry Planning” In Clinical Handbook of Correctional Psychiatry (2nd Edition), Edited by C. Scott. Washington: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 2010.
Roskes E, Cooksey C, Lipford S, Dlugacz H: “The Criminal Justice System and Offenders Placed in an Outpatient Setting” In Clinical Handbook of Correctional Psychiatry (2nd Edition), Edited by C. Scott. Washington: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., 2010.
Roskes E, Vanderpool D: "Forensic Issues" In Oxford Textbook of Correctional Psychiatry, Edited by R. Trestman, K. Appelbaum and J. Metzner. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015
Roskes E: "Correctional Psychiatry" In Psychiatry (4th Edition), Edited by A. Tasman, J. Kay, J. Lieberman, M. First and M. Riba. London: Wiley, 2015.
Roskes E:Laws Related to Maryland Psychiatrists’ Role in Reducing Risk: Special Emphasis on the New “Extreme Risk Protective Order.” The Maryland Psychiatrist, 2019, Available online at